That was a lovely morning. Broad sunshine, and Ms Kats-Chernin lives by the sea, and is full of warmth and cool stories about the evolution of her music. Afterwards, my poor little car broke down in her driveway and she offered me lunch while I waited for the NRMA. I was too shy to accept, so she stood out in the shade of the porch with me and chatted about life, and her kids, and her equally poor little car. She was so generous with her time, and with herself. A beautiful soul. The following week she texted me to wish me luck with the performance just before the first rehearsal began: it tickled me no end to be able to say casually to the Conductor, Matthew Wood, “Oh yes, Elena’s just texted to wish us all the best!”
“How much can I move around?"
“Really, as much as you feel comfortable to….. You can do cartwheels if you want!”
“Well, I’m just a bit worried about the shoes I’ve brought with me….could be a bit dangerous if I’m running around too much, especially on the stairs….”
“Oh, you don’t have to wear shoes if you don’t want to. Just go for it.”

JACKPOT. Cue change of dress decision (fortunately I was on my way to a month in Brisbane, so I had several with me) and 24-hours of trying to work out appropriate stage moves. Come the performance, I was off! Dancing, twirling, skipping, poking about on tip-toe through the orchestra, up and down the audience aisles and casting spells across the whole auditorium of wide-eyed kids and smiling adults. It was so liberating, and such a great memory was made.